History of Poker
Poker is played by all sorts of people and is one of the most popular games played in Washington DC by politicians and even President Truman at the time. This acceptance by both the high society and the common man , the game as we now see on television has an audience that is hard to ignore
The birth of the Internet and the integration of this service poker has led to astronomical numbers of people playing online on any given day. But one thing opened the floodgates of players worldwide . Today you can go online or local play at a time of your choice. Poker room Your choice of game may vary online and most online poker rooms offer a selection of games and limits for these games . You can also choose between playing a ring game or tournament . The prize money offered and registration differentiate tournament options . There is a tournament by a player .
The game has come a long way since the early days in Mississippi and no one could predict how this game went to different classes of people understand the way it did in the past 25 years .